The following systems have been introduced and function:
- quality management system (QMS);
- management system for safety of food products based on the analysis of hazards and critical control points (НАССР system);
- environmental management system (EMS);
- occupational safety management system (OSMS).
The developed distribution system allows to supply products to all areas of Belarus and abroad.

in the field of product quality and safety, labor protection and environmental protection
CJSC "MZBN" is a large producer of mineral and drinking waters, non-alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks on the Belarusian market.
The main goals of our enterprise in the field of quality, product safety, labor protection and environmental protection:
· Increase the competitiveness of manufactured products;
· Maintain existing markets and develop new ones;
· Improve the quality and safety of manufactured products that meet the requirements and expectations of consumers;
· Ensure safe working conditions to preserve the life and health of enterprise employees and prevent negative impacts on the environment during production activities;
· Use resources rationally;
· Ensure the sustainable economic position of the enterprise and the well-being of personnel. To achieve goals in the field of quality and product safety, labor protection and environmental protection, top management has identified the following main directions:
· Compliance with legislative and other mandatory requirements, continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the quality management system based on STB ISO 9001-2015, the HACCP system based on STB 1470-2012, the occupational safety management system based on STB 18001-2009; environmental management systems based on STB ISO 14001-2017;
· Stability of quality and safety indicators of manufactured products, coordination of work to manage hazards during production, storage and sale of products, guided by the principles of the hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) system;
· Updating the range of manufactured products that meet the requirements and expectations of the consumer; · Selection of reliable suppliers and development of cooperation with them on a mutually beneficial basis;
· Introduction of modern and improvement of existing production technologies that ensure rational use of resources; · Improving working conditions for workers and protecting their health, preventing industrial accidents and occupational diseases;
· Improving the organization of work, constantly improving the qualifications and competence of personnel.
The top management of the enterprise assumes obligations and responsibility for providing the necessary resources to ensure the implementation of this Policy, bringing it to the attention of every employee of the enterprise and calls on all employees of the enterprise to implement it.
Director CJSC "MZBN" 06/17/2021 A.A. Artyukhovsky